Saturday, July 28, 2012

Jun. 02, 2012

Kyle the Jumping Child
Some flash fun, fish eye fun, and most of all Kyle learns to jump!

I want to gush about my intensity for photography, but I'd sound like a spazzing maniac. But here's to trying. 

I could never completely explain the passion running through my veins when I'm walking through this life. My eyes are unique just like everyone else's out there. We all see certain things and perceive the world around us in ways others' may never know. My purpose, mymotivation for what I do is simply my urge of trying to record my exact thoughts and vision. Of life itself. My exact view from my very own view finder. I'm here as another human, simply trying to figure a way to communicate exactly what lies within myself. For the world, for those who choose to take their time and take a gander at how I perceive this world. So thank you for spending a few seconds to minutes of your day. I appreciate all that take the time.

Thank you, sincerely.


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Indio, CA, United States
Attempts of the impossible career. Immortalizing my actions prior to the cessation of life itself.