Wednesday, April 10, 2013

iPhone Recap (Mar. 09 - Apr. 09, 2013)

One month has passed seemingly quick, but it felt jam packed looking back on it now.

  • Commenced Project Coachella Valley: Shot Chapters 001 & 002
  • Finally released Project CV: Pilot Launch
  • Continuing the constant NOMZ
  • Obtained GOLDCOAST board
  • Lots of long boarding sessions with Brenda & Amelin
  • Field trip to the Salton Sea
  • Spent half my spring break in San Diego
  • Engaged in a lot of vanity to boost self love (it is okay to love yourself)
  • the Kyle Beast

I think I'll do iPhone updates as a monthly occurrence.
Let's see how these continue..

'Til next time!

Like me on Facebook / Instagram: Fluxhzard / Tumblr / Flickr

Sunday, April 7, 2013


My photo
Indio, CA, United States
Attempts of the impossible career. Immortalizing my actions prior to the cessation of life itself.