Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Jan. 22, 2011
This passed weekend, I was in San Jose. The scenery was different from the norm of dirt and sand so I was easily motivated to take and capture the essence of the SJ area. Here are my favorites:
Billy(cousin) and Wendy(half-sister)--

Self-- Dayum, what is wrong with my face.
I am missing one cousin because that bitch was gone at some party.

And the rest are just shots I took carelessly.
I gave him that hat.
Familia! Sister, father, brother, and me. Dad, why you so old?
I always take photos of my shoes. It's just something I do, even if it's not a good pair of shoes.

1 comment:

  1. these photos are seriously great. i can't get over how adorable the first one is!


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Indio, CA, United States
Attempts of the impossible career. Immortalizing my actions prior to the cessation of life itself.